Green & Black's

An event in celebration of the launch of Green & Blacks Velvet Edition range. We took over a multi-room shop space in Soho and created a walk-through experience featuring seven areas: one for each flavour in the range. Installations were loosely fairytale themed and included giant paper 'enchanted roses', a 'Sleeping Beauty' room, a 'Thumbelina' library, a 'Rapunzel' floor to ceiling fringe maze and a 'Hansel and Gretel' tree. The high point of the event was a Red Riding Hood room where guests were treated to a theatrical screening of the new TV advert. Guests who had visited each installation were invited into an informal lounge area featuring a series of retail style displays hi-lighting aspects of the Green & Blacks brand story, for canapes and chilled champagne.
Golin / Green & Black's